There is another reason to Export Wine to China. If your company, your bodega is thinking about sell its wines in China you have to know that only 30% of the wine sells become from Supermarket. If you compare to the average 70% of many other countries, China has great potential in growing the market.
On Nov 17, a wine festival titled» 2011 Carrefour Autumn Sales» is held in Guangzhou. One of the enlightened activity of the festival is the tasting of 2011 Beaujolais Nouveau.
It is understood that China has the most exciting growing rate of wine market, with 15% gain-in rate average for every year. The manager of a local Carrefour supermarket says to the reporter that the company has grown by 45% to last year. The most hot sale wines are priced between 40 to 200 Yuan, among which 100 Yuan wine is most popular.
Guangzhou has the growing rate of 20%, a littler higher than other cities. Some people from wine business believe that supermarket is becoming one of the mainstream of wine sales in China.
For many Chinese costumers supermarket are the door to the wine consumption. Many there is your door to the chins wine market.
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